(2010) kawachi - toya
Omata Cup, 01-02-2017

1.32-28 18-23 2.33-29 23x32 3.37x28 20-24 4.29x20 15x24 5.39-33 13-18 6.44-39 8-13 7.41-37 2-8 8.46-41 17-21 9.31-26 12-17

This is not good. Com caliculates +0.3.
[ >9...10-15 10.26x17 11x22 11.28x17 12x21 12.36-31 7-12 13.50-44 1-7 14.34-30 14-20 15.30-25 18-23 16.25x14 9x20 17.33-28 23x32 18.38x27 21x32 19.37x28 (-0.00;0.33/12) ]
[ 10.37-31

Computer says 37-31 is better than 37-32. I can't get the reason. Maybe black can't keep a piece on 23. Black 24/19 without 23 is not so good. (?) 18-23 11.42-37 23x32 12.37x28 ]
[ 10...7-12 11.41-37 18-22 12.50-44 12-18 13.37-31 ]
11.50-44 7-12 12.41-37 10-15 13.34-29
[ 13.37-31

Computer says 37-31 is better than 34-29. But I don't understand why. Maybe white broke the tail of 45/40/34 ? ]
13...5-10 14.29x20 15x24 15.40-34 12-18 16.37-31 10-15 17.34-30 18-23

32-27 is good move in order to escape chain-lock 18.32-27

23x32 19.27x18 13x22 20.38x18 8-13 21.43-38 13x22

Black has a bad binding (22/24). White 21. 43-38 has a aim to use black bad position. 22.49-43
[ 22.38-32

But 38-32 is good at this moment. White aims 31-27x31 in order to make short wing lock (KVO) in white left wing. 14-20 (22...22-27 23.31x22 17x37 24.26x17 11x22 25.42x31

When black moves this wishing to escape from KVO, black has bad shape after exchange. So it is hard for black to escape from KVO.) 23.31-27 22x31 24.36x27

[ >22...1-7 23.47-41 22-28 24.33x22 17x28 25.26x17 11x22 26.44-40 9-13 27.31-27 22x31 28.36x27 7-12 (0.17;0.43/11) ]
23.30-25 9-14

White wanted black's 5 pieces in right wing to be freezed with 45-40-34-30. Black has very heavy long wing, so white make it in time. 24.45-40 4-9 25.40-34 9-13 26.34-29
[ >26.34-30

1-7 27.47-41 7-12 28.33-28 22x33 29.39x28 12-18 30.41-37 18-23 31.37-32 13-18 32.31-27 (0.48;-0.01/11) ]

White had a shot using the gap at 18 and 9.
[ >26...21-27

white 42-37 is dangerous.So 21-27 is good. But this black move is very difficult 27.42-37 22-28 28.31x22 13-18 29.22x13 19x8 30.33x22 24x31 31.26x37 17x28 32.43-38 20-24 33.38-33 14-19 34.33x22 3-9 35.44-40 8-13 36.25-20 24-30 37.35x24 19x30 38.40-34 15x24 39.34x25 11-17 40.22x11 6x17 (-0.01;1.65/12) ]
[ >27.29-23

This is the shot 19x28 28.31-27 21x32 (28...22x31 29.33x22 17x28 30.26x17 11x22 31.36x9) 29.38x9 3-8 30.33x22 14x3 31.25x14 17x28 32.39-34 7-12 33.34-30 24-29 34.30-25 29-34 35.25-20 15x24 36.14-10 8-13 37.10-5 28-33 (1.65;-0.14/11) ]
[ >27...21-27 28.41-37 7-12 29.37-32 3-8 30.32x21 16x27 31.42-37 12-18 32.48-42 11-16 33.44-40 (-0.14;1.47/11) ]
[ >28.29-23 19x28 29.31-27 21x32 30.38x9 3-8 31.33x22 14x3 32.25x14 17x28 33.39-34 16-21 34.26x17 11x22 35.42-38 8-13 36.34-30 24-29 37.44-39 13-18 38.41-37 (1.47;-0.19/12) ]

This move is not good. Because black can not 21-27.( After it, Whie will move 37-32)
[ >28...21-27

Again, 21-27 is good. I should memorise this move. 29.26-21 17x26 30.33-28 22x33 31.31x22 11-17 32.39x28 24x33 33.28x39 17x28 34.38-33 28-32 35.37x28 20-24 36.43-38 12-18 37.36-31 26x37 38.42x31 16-21 (-0.19;0.62/12) ]
29.37-32 22-27 30.31x22 17x37 31.42x31 11-17 32.48-42 6-11 33.38-32 3-8
[ >33...18-22 34.42-38 13-18 35.31-27 22x31 36.26x37 21-26 37.32-28 18-22 38.38-32 3-8 39.37-31 26x37 40.32x41 8-12 41.36-31 (0.53;2.26/12) ]

Black was locked in short wing. 8-12
[ >34...24-30 35.25x34 19-24 36.42-37 14-19 37.43-38 20-25 38.29x20 25x14 39.33-28 19-23 40.28x10 15x4 41.37-31 8-12 42.35-30 4-10 43.30-25 10-15 44.27-22 17x37 45.26x19 37x26 (2.86;3.47/12) ]
35.42-38 24-30 36.25x34 20-25
[ >36...18-22 37.27x9 14x3 38.34-30 20-24 39.29x20 15x24 40.39-34 21-27 41.32x21 16x27 42.34-29 12-18 43.29x20 3-9 44.30-24 19x30 45.35x24 18-23 46.20-15 9-14 (3.49;3.71/11) ]
[ >37.29-24

19x30 38.35x24 14-19 39.27-22 17x37 40.26x6 19x30 41.6-1 37-42 42.38x47 13-19 43.33-28 18-23 44.1x29 19-24 45.29x20 15x24 46.28-22 16-21 47.22-18 21-27 (3.71;3.03/11) ]

White had no time at this moment. But white has advantage yet 38.27-22 17x37 39.26x6