(12) De kansen van de aanvaller - FragmentB

Black intends to exchange of 22-27x22( Flankaanval).
White intends to exchange with 32-28x28 in order to move to center.


2.32x21 16x27

Black moves to 6th line 3.33-28

23x32 4.37x28 14-19 5.29-24 19x30 6.35x24

White has 24 and black has 27. This is a Mutual Flankaanval.
Black 27 keeps white two pieces (26/36) on edge.
White 24 keeps black one piece (15).

Black has more pieces on cener.

So black has advantage.


Black selected a standard plan.

[ 6...4-9

White has a shot. How do you play ?

White had a shot.
18x40 8.39-34 40x20 9.25x3

7.39-33 17-22 8.28x17 11x22

Flankaanval standard plan
1) to make 11/17/22 ->
2) to exchange with 22-27x27 ->
3) to make 27/22/18
9.34-29 13-19

Good move.
Black got rid of white 24 and got tempii.
10.24x13 8x19

Black 4 is important piece. Because after 25-20x20, 4 defends white 20's way to king.

What is black's plan ?
Now black has 27. Next is 23 or 24.
24 -> 19-24 x24
23 -> 18-23
or move 2-7( made 7/12/18) and exchange 18-23x23
11.29-24 19x30 12.25x34

After 3 exchange, black got 10 tempi.
18-23 13.41-37 12-18 14.49-43 23-28

Black avoids white 34-29 33-28 38x40 after 43-38.
15.33-29 15-20

16.34-30 18-23 17.29x18 22x13

[ 18.43-38

27-32 19.38x27

28-33 ]
[ >18...20-25 19.31x33 25x34 20.33-29 34x23 21.43-39 13-19 22.39-34 19-24 23.42-38 (-0.63;0.04/13) ]
[ >19.31-27 32x21 20.26x17 13-19 21.30-25 20-24 22.42-38 2-8 23.43-39 24-29 24.36-31 28-33 25.39x28 29-34 26.28-22 34-40 27.22-18 40-44 (0.04;-1.19/11) ]
19...13-19 20.30-25
[ 20.43-39 28-33 21.39x37 20-25 ]
20...19-23 21.25x14 32-37 22.41x32 28x39