(2019) Kawaguchi - Kawachi
Kenkyukai, 23-02-2017

1.33-29 17-21 2.38-33 11-17 3.31-26 7-11
[ 3...21-27

Computer recommeds 21-27.

4.32x21 16x27 5.42-38 27-31 6.36x27 18-23 7.29x18 13x42 8.48x37

4.42-38 1-7
[ 4...21-27

At this moment, if 27-21

5.32x21 16x27 6.29-23

5.37-31 19-24
[ 5...21-27

Computer recommends 21-27.

6.31x22 17x37 7.41x32

19-23 8.35-30 20-25 9.30-24 14-20 ]
6.32-28 21-27

Black played 27-21.

7.31x22 18x27

Black 27 is isolated. So it seems to be not so good.

[ 8.28-23

Computer recommends 28-23. Black can't move 13-19.

13-18 9.34-30 9-13 10.30x19 13x24 11.40-34 ]
8...27x38 9.43x32

Computer analyses that black has a little advantage(-0.10). I wonder that it is because white formation seems not so good.

14-19 10.41-37 20-25 11.29x20 25x14

White has 6 more tempi than black. Black formation is more tight tham white. Computer analysed -0.10.

12.37-31 13-18 13.46-41 9-13 14.41-37 15-20 15.47-42 18-23
[ 15...19-23

Computer recommends this move.

16.28x19 14x23

16.49-43 3-9

Moving 3 is DECISION. Not good. 12-18 is better.

17.43-38 13-18 18.31-27 9-13 19.37-31 17-22 20.28x17 11x22 21.33-28 22x33 22.39x28 4-9 23.44-39 20-24 24.34-30 10-15 25.39-34
[ >25.30-25

30-25 is good. Because
Black does not have 3. So Black can not exchange with 14-20.
White has an advantage (+0.40)

6-11 26.42-37 11-17 27.27-21 16x27 28.31x11 7x16 29.36-31 16-21 30.26x17 12x21 31.31-27 21-26 32.39-33 8-12 (0.33;0.02/11) ]
25...5-10 26.50-44 7-11 27.26-21

Bad move.

[ >27.44-39 15-20 28.30-25 10-15 29.34-30 11-17 30.39-33 24-29 31.33x24 20x29 32.27-21 16x27 33.31x11 6x17 34.36-31 2-7 35.42-37 (0.17;-0.74/11) ]
27...11-17 28.31-26

White became locked.

[ >28...24-29

Computer recommends this move.

29.27-22 (29.44-39

If white moves 44-39, black has a big shot.

29-33 30.38x29 17-22 31.28x17 19-24 32.30x28 18-22 33.27x7 2x44 34.40x49 16x47; 29.30-25 17-22 30.28x17 29-33 31.38x29 18-22 32.27x7 16x47 33.29x18) 29...18x27 30.44-39 17-22 31.28x17 19-24 32.30x28 29-33 33.38x29 27x47 34.39-33 16x27 35.48-42 47x38 36.33x42 12x21 37.26x17 2-7 38.42-37 7-11 39.28-22 27x18 (-0.94;-0.15/11) ]
29.44-39 7-11 30.39-33

Black made a shot.

[ >30.30-25 24-29 31.48-43 19-24 32.28x30 13-19 33.34x23 19x48 34.27-22 18x27 35.21x32 17-21 36.26x17 11x22 37.39-34 48x39 38.34x43 22-27 39.32x21 16x27 40.30-24 12-17 41.40-34 (-0.13;-1.10/12) ]
30...17-22 31.28x17 11x31 32.36x27 23-29 33.34x23 19x39 34.30x19

Which move should black select ?

[ >34...13x24

13x24 is better. Because white can not use black 39 with 40-34.

35.21-17 12x21 36.26x17 14-19 37.42-37 19-23 38.27-21 16x27 39.32x21 8-13 40.21-16 13-19 41.38-33 39x28 42.16-11 18-22 43.40-34 28-33 44.17x39 6x17 (-1.05;-0.81/12) ]
35.21-17 12x21 36.26x17 10-14 37.42-37 14-19 38.37-31 18-22
[ >38...19-24

39.48-42 (39.31-26 13-19 40.27-21 16x27 41.32x21

Black worried 17-11 at this moment, But black has a shot with 18-22.

) 39...23-29 40.42-37 29-33 41.38x20 15x24 42.40-34 39x30 43.45-40 9-14 44.32-28 14-20 45.28-23 18x29 46.27-22 (-1.29;0.46/11) ]
39.27x29 19-23 40.29x18 13x11

White is better than black.

[ 41.31-27

Computer recommeds 31-27. It shows a cool way to develp.

11-17 42.32-28 17-21 43.38-32 6-11 44.40-34 39x30 45.35x24

White has 24/27/28. Ideal formation. White controls in center.

41...39x30 42.35x24 9-14 43.38-33 11-17 44.33-28
[ >44.31-27

31-27 is better.

8-13 45.45-40 14-20 46.33-29 13-18 47.29-23 18x29 48.24x33 20-24 49.32-28 15-20 50.40-35 17-21 51.27-22 6-11 (0.33;-0.14/13) ]
44...8-13 45.28-23

Bad move.

[ >45.48-43 14-19 46.32-27 19x30 47.28-23 30-34 48.23-18 13x22 49.27x18 17-22 50.18x27 6-11 51.27-22 11-17 52.22x11 16x7 53.31-26 7-12 54.43-38 12-17 55.38-33 17-22 (-0.25;-1.67/12) ]

46.23x21 16x36 47.32-27 6-11
[ >47...36-41 48.27-22 41-47 49.22-18 47x20 50.18-12 20-24 51.12-7 6-11 52.7x16 24-2 53.48-42 14-20 54.42-37 20-25 55.37-31 2-7 56.31-26 (-1.22;-0.38/11) ]
48.27-22 36-41 49.48-42

Black has a way to win.

[ >49.22-18 41-46 50.18-13 46-19 51.45-40 19x44 52.13-8 44-35 53.8-2 11-16 54.2-7 14-20 55.7-45 20-25 56.45-34 (-0.41;-9.99/12) ]
[ >49...15-20

This is a point to win.
White has a chance to draw when black 41-47 white 24-20.
Black can defend it with 15-20.

50.24x15 41-47 51.42-37 47-36

50.22-18 46-32 51.18-13 32-19 52.45-40 19x49 53.13-8 49-35 54.8-3

White selected a bad move.

[ >54.8-2

White can draw with 8-2.

11-16 55.2-7 14-20 56.42-37 35-13 57.7-2 13-36 58.2-35 20-25 59.35-8 36-9 60.8-12 25-30 61.12-45 (-0.41;-9.99/13) ]
54...15-20 55.3-21 35-8 56.21x3 20-25