(2026) Ikeda - Kawachi
Kenkyukai, 09-03-2017

1.34-30 17-21 2.31-26 20-25 3.26x17 12x21 4.32-28 25x34 5.40x29 19-23 6.28x19 14x34 7.39x30

10-14 8.44-39 7-12 9.37-32 1-7 10.50-44 5-10 11.41-37 14-19 12.30-25 10-14 13.44-40

Computer recommends 46-41.

11-17 14.40-34 7-11 15.34-30

Computer says -0.04. Slightly black has an advantag. But I don't know why.


Computer recommends 21-27.


16.32x21 16x27

White has 5 pieces for attacking. Black has 3 pieces for defending. So I judged this post is weak. How should black defend when white attacks 27 with the 5 pieces?

17.37-32 11-16 18.32x21 16x27 19.42-37 19-23 20.37-32 6-11 21.32x21 17x26

Black lost 27. But black has many pieces to move to white right wing. Computer doesn't care losing 27.

22.46-41 12-17 23.41-37 17-22 ]
16.47-41 21-27

17.32x21 16x27 18.37-32 13-18
[ 18...11-16

Computer recommends 11-16.

19.32x21 16x27 20.41-37 14-20

I can't understand why this move is good.

21.25x14 9x20 22.46-41 ]
19.32x21 17x26 20.41-37 9-13 21.30-24 19x30 22.25x34

Computer estimates -0.04. Because of tempi ? Black has 5 more tempi.

[ 22...15-20

Computer recommends this move. But why is this good ? I don't know.

23.37-32 6-11 24.34-29 23x34 25.39x30

White goes to right side. But computer seems to judge this move is not goo. -0.05.

4-9 26.43-39 11-16 27.49-43 17-21 28.45-40 12-17 29.40-34 17-22 30.34-29
[ 30.32-27

Computer recommends the following.

22x31 31.36x27 21x32 32.38x27


Computer estimates -0.21. It is the point to get 27.

31.32x21 16x27 32.30-25 27-31
[ >32...14-20

Computer says this move is goo. But why ?
Black has 27.White does not have 49. So black can keep 27. What black should do in white left wing is to keep 27, not to move 27-31. Whte can not develop white left wing.
Black had control white left wing. So black's next aim is to control white right wing.
I think 14-20 is the move.

Watch black moves. It is beautiful.

33.25x14 9x20 34.39-34 13-19 35.34-30 20-25 36.30-24 19x30 37.35x24 3-9 38.43-39 9-13

39.42-37 13-19 40.24x13 8x19

41.39-34 2-8 42.37-32 27-31

43.36x27 22x31

White 46 does not develop and can not develop because of black 31.

33.36x27 22x31 34.42-37

Good move. Black lost his 27. And black lost tempi.

31x42 35.48x37 14-20
[ 35...18-23

Computer recommends this move. Because black gets tempi and goes to center ?

36.29x18 13x22 ]
36.25x14 9x20 37.38-32 3-9 38.35-30 18-22 39.46-41 20-24

Good move

40.30x19 13x24 41.29x20 15x24 42.39-34 9-14 43.32-28 22-27 44.41-36 8-13
[ 44...8-12

8-12 is good, 8-13 is not better than 8-12. But why ?

I think because
after 8-13 white has a gap in 19. But after 8-12, there is no gap.

45.34-29 14-20 46.43-39 2-8 47.29-23 20-25 48.39-34 ]
[ 45.43-38

Computer recommends this move. White can make black 26 go back.

2-8 46.37-32 8-12 47.32x21 26x17 ]
45...2-8 46.43-38
[ >46.43-39 8-12 47.34-29 14-20 48.23-19 26-31 49.19x17 31x42 50.17-11 42-47 51.11-6 27-31 52.36x27 20-25 53.29x20 47x15 (-0.04;-1.32/13) ]

White has no good move.

[ >47.36-31 27x36 48.38-32 26-31 49.37x26 36-41 50.26-21 14-20 51.21-16 13-18 52.34-29 41-46 53.32-27 46x19 54.16-11 12-17 55.11x13 19x8 (-1.32;-9.99/13) ]

48.37-31 18x40 49.31x22 40-44 50.28-23 24-29 51.23x34 44-49 52.38-33

Black had a simple way to win.

[ 52...12-17

53.22x11 26-31

54.36x27 49x40 ]
53.33-29 44x11 54.29-24 11-16