(2159) Ikeda - Kawachi
Kenkyukai, 27-04-2017

1.32-28 19-23 2.28x19 14x23 3.37-32 10-14 4.41-37 5-10 5.46-41 17-21 6.32-27 21x32 7.37x19 14x23 8.41-37 10-14 9.34-29 23x34 10.40x29 11-17 11.45-40 7-11 12.40-34 1-7 13.35-30 20-25 14.44-40 16-21 15.31-26 21-27

Black choosed Flankaanval. Black has 4pieces to defend as white has 4 piece to attack. 16.40-35

I don't understand what aim the move has. It seems not so good for me. 14-20 17.38-32

White wanted to get rid of black 27.
[ >17.37-31 9-14 18.31x22 17x28 19.33x22 18x27 20.42-37 14-19 21.38-33 19-24 22.30x19 13x24 23.37-31 8-13 24.31x22 12-18 25.22-17 11x22 (-0.04;-0.29/11) ]
17...27x38 18.43x32 9-14
[ >18...13-19

Computer recommends this move. 19.42-38 (19.32-28) 19...8-13 20.47-42 11-16 (-0.29;-0.16/12) ]
19.42-38 14-19 20.37-31

White has no good move in his right wing. Black can choose 20-24 ( KVO lock ) or 19-24 ( Hekstelling - Fork lock ). Black has advantage at this moment (-0.24). It is because white's bad shape (35/30/29/34). 19-24

It is not necessary for black to choose this move at this moment. White has no move in his right wing. Black could choose the move later.
[ >20...11-16 21.50-44 4-9 22.48-43 18-23 23.29x18 12x23 24.31-27 7-12 25.33-29 2-7 26.29x18 13x31 27.26x37 16-21 (-0.20;-0.08/12) ]
21.30x19 13x24

Black made Fork lock.. 22.32-28 17-21

Important move. This move is often seen in fork lock, 23.26x17 11x22 24.28x17 12x21 25.49-43
[ >25.31-26 7-12 26.26x17 12x21 27.48-42 21-26 28.42-37 18-22 29.38-32 22-27 30.32x21 26x17 31.37-32 4-9 32.32-28 (-0.09;-0.37/11) ]
[ >25...8-13 26.47-42 3-9 (-0.37;-0.16/11) ]
[ >26.47-42 8-13 27.42-37 21-26 28.31-27 4-9 29.38-32 12-17 30.27-21 17-22 31.21-16 (-0.16;-0.31/11) ]
26...21x32 27.38x27 2-7 28.43-38 6-11 29.38-32

White missed black shot.
[ >29.47-41 4-9 30.41-37 9-14 31.48-43 8-13 (-0.33;-1.52/12) ]
29...18-22 30.27x18 12x23 31.29x18 24-30 32.35x24 20x27

Black got one pieces than white. And white 18 is supportless and is going to be captured. 33.39-33 8-12

Black could not find white good move. and white also.
[ >33...27-32 34.47-42 25-30 35.34x25 32-38 36.42-37 38x29 37.37-32 29-33 38.50-44 4-9 39.48-43 15-20 40.25x14 9x20 (-1.46;-1.28/11) ]
[ >34.18-13

This move is good. 3-9 35.33-28 9x18 36.28-22 18-23 37.22x31 15-20 38.47-42 20-24 39.48-43 12-18 40.43-39 7-12 41.42-38 23-28 42.31-27 (-1.28;-2.20/12) ]
34...12x23 35.29x18 4-9 36.34-29 3-8 37.47-42 8-13 Black two pieces up. After this, white did not have a chance to draw. 38.29-23
[ >38.48-43 13x22 39.29-24 9-14 40.43-38 14-20 41.24-19 20-24 42.19x30 25x34 43.38-33 27-32 44.42-37 32x41 45.36x47 22-27 46.47-42 27-32 (-2.37;-2.79/13) ]
38...13x22 39.42-38
[ >39.48-43 11-16 40.43-39 15-20 41.50-44 16-21 42.42-38 7-12 43.38-33 21-26 44.33-28 22x33 45.39x28 26-31 46.23-19 31-37 (-2.79;-3.16/14) ]
39...9-14 40.38-33 7-12 41.50-44 15-20 42.44-40 14-19 43.23x14 20x9 44.40-34
[ >44.48-42 12-18 45.40-34 11-17 46.42-38 18-23 47.33-29 9-14 48.29x18 22x13 49.36-31 27x36 50.34-29 (-5.37;-9.99/14) ]
44...12-18 45.48-42 9-13 46.33-29